Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Contract Theory of John Locke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Contract Theory of John Locke - Essay Example It works in a way so that no one can deny that a rule is unjust because the rules are made when all members of the society agree to them. John Locke, one of the greatest eighteenth century theorists, also put forward the idea of natural rights and property, which formed the basis for his social contract theory. However, this is opposed to the central idea of egalitarianism – all people have an equal right and claim on the resources of the society. The social contract theory negates this concept and relies solely on individual rights rather than communal rights. Also, some perceive this negatively and argue that Locke’s studies tend to be more conservative in nature compared to other theorists of the social contract theory and included only the males and the educated and propertied class of the society (Cohen, 1986). Pollock (2006) explains that the Lockean ‘contract’ is one where individuals give up the freedom to aggress against others in return for their own safety. The government or any law-enforcing authority rests upon the principles of quid pro quo which means that we give the government the power to protect us, in full recognition of the fact that this power may be used against us. However, this ‘contract’ with the government comes with a set of principles. Locke rejects the notion of an unconditional duty of obedience: ‘For him the legitimacy of political authority depends upon the end for which it was instituted, namely, the preservation of the natural rights to life, liberty, and estate. If these rights are infringed, the trust between the community and the magistrate (government) is canceled, and the people have a right to appeal to heaven (revolution) to establish a new legislative body.’ (Gray, 1999). Therefore, Lockean version of the social c ontract theory allows the members of the society to initiate a revolution if the social contract’s

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Effects Of Globalisation On Indonesia Politics Essay

The Effects Of Globalisation On Indonesia Politics Essay Over the course of this paper, I will discuss how globalization has not been good for Indonesia. I will support this position by showing how population and consumption, hunger and poverty, the environment, disease and healthcare, disappearing indigenous populations and protest have been negatively changed in the country of Indonesia. History The Republic of Indonesia is located near Southeast Asia, with the Pacific Ocean to the northeast, Southern China Sea to the northwest, Indian Ocean in the southwest, and Australia lies southeast. Indonesia is made up of 13,677 islands with 6,000 inhabited and a population of 240,271,522 (I-4). It is one of the most culturally diverse and ethnically tolerant countries in the world (Robbins, p. 268). The vast number of languages and religions practiced on the islands demonstrates this point. Though Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of the Republic, there are 583 languages (Lyle, p. 22). Muslim is the most commonly practiced religion, though Roman Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and Buddhism are also regularly practiced (p. 9, 40). Indonesia has a strong Dutch influence. Indonesian spices brought the Dutch to the country looking to make a profit on the European market. The Dutch remained in control of Indonesia for the greater part of four hundred years. Throughout that time, the Dutch, the British, and the Japanese have had control over parts of Indonesia. After World War II, The Republic of Indonesia was born. The fight for Independence, freedom and diplomacy was a long hard road. As the nation was growing, globalism played a major role in how Indonesia became was it is today (Asian, 2010). Population and Consumption In 1979, under the leadership of General Suharto, president of Indonesia, a transmigration program was established to help poor and landless families in overpopulated areas of the country, find work and land to farm. This program took people from overcrowded areas, usually Java or Madura, and relocated them to less populated areas. Through transmigration, a labor force of farmers, miners, and loggers would be formed to work in these labor-intensive fields. Over a five-year span, from 1979-1984, 535,000 people were relocated. The government gave landless families unused farmland and a house on a less populated island, providing food until the family produced a self-sustainable crop. This program gave unemployed, hungry people in Java and Madura, a job, food and a better chance at surviving. Also, every family that transmigrated to a less populated island helped to feed the remaining people a slightly bigger portion of rice (Lamoureux, p. 77-78). From 1984, the transmigration program began to deteriorate until it was ended by the Indonesian Government in August 2000. The program failed because of resentment between the trans-migrants and indigenous peoples, lack of funding, and the distance placed between friends and families with strong multi-generational connections (p. 77-78). Overpopulation has still placed stress on the countrys resources, despite some success Indonesia has had in reducing its birthrate. Family land is divided over and over again as new generations inherit acreage from their parents, the plots given for rice fields become smaller and smaller. Large numbers of the younger generations consequently have moved to the cities looking for employment. An extensive labor force accumulating in the cities has resulted in devastating unemployment (p. 81; 83). Hunger and Poverty According to Economic Reform Today (2000), the Indonesian government has to take initiative to be more proactive in making industries and businesses competitive worldwide. Globalization has given Indonesia responsibility for development in the business sector internationally and locally. However, the negative image of globalization has presented major challenges for Indonesia to manage. The income gap and instable access to economic opportunity between different societal groups, regions and smaller-scaled businesses, has lead to an impression of reinforcement exaggerated by globalization, rather than justification for reform (Soesastro, p. 51, 53, 54). The growing population of Indonesia has placed increased pressure on the countrys access to food and water supplies. According to, Indonesia: A Global Studies Handbook, the population of Indonesia from 1929 to 1938 increased by 15 percent. However, food production only increased 3.5 percent (Lamoureux, p. 59). Approximately 225 million people lived in Indonesia in July 2001, with a 1.6 percent annual growth rate (p. 7). According to (2010), Indonesia has, as of July, 2009, a population of 240,271,522. July 2009 showed a 1.16 percent change over the same time in 2008. Large families were needed to work the fields; therefore it was common for women to give birth to ten or more children. However, several wouldnt live to be adults (p. 130). After World War II, infant mortality decreased largely due to antibiotics and other medicines, allowing more babies and children to survive. Less children dying resulted in an increase of population and an increase in government dependent resources, as well as, international aid, forcing Indonesia to import food (i.e. rice) (p. 130). In the 1970s, in response to the rice shortage, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) developed a strain of rice plants that produced more rice per plant. This development helped alleviate the problem of self-sufficient rice production. However, fewer people were needed to work the rice fields, resulting in younger generations migrating to the cities for work (p. 130). Today, Indonesia is more dependent on imported foods, fruits and other manufactured goods produced by farmers and Java manufactures, because they cannot compete successfully with the imported goods (Nasution, p. 2). At the same time, due to a deficiency of raw materials, labor costs must be kept minimal to be able to compete in the global market (Soewandi, p. 6). Reducing the inflation and instability of the cost of food supplies coupled with agricultural investments to increase productivity, has encouraged rural incomes to grow and rice prices to stabilize. This in turn has allowed farmers to become self-sufficient on rice (Kartasasmita, p. 7). According to Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (2001), Indonesias national poverty line fell from 60 percent in 1970 to 40 percent six years later. The year 1990 showed a decrease to 15 percent to 11.5 percent another six years later (p. 8). Environment The most devastating amount of damage globalization has done to impair the environment in Indonesia is the destruction of the rainforests. Logging companies have destroyed the delicately balanced rainforest by over-logging to sell overseas. Forest fires have also become a concern. Fires have originated in the logging company camps, as well as, naturally (i.e. lightning), burning acres of timber and land. Many animals and species have become endangered due to over-logging and expanding villages due to population and for farming. Illegal animal traffickers of the orangutan, the Javan rhinoceros, and the Sumatran tiger have helped to bring these animals close to extinction. Rare orchids and exotic plants have also become endangered due to the rapid elimination of the rainforest. More recently, pharmaceutical companies are interested in the potential for new medicines in the rainforests (Lamoureux, p. 159-161). Also, slash-and-burn techniques that are practiced by villages with larger populations leave the region when soil is drained of nutrients to grow crops. The villagers clear trees and vegetation and burn it over the area to be planted. The plots are used for one to three years and then vacated to regrow with natural vegetation. A new area is then chosen. As they relocate the slash-and-burn technique is repeated as the forest area shrinks (Robbins, 2008, p. 179). In response, the Indonesian government has protected a number of areas: Komodo National Park, Gunung Leusser National Park, as well as a number of nature and game reserves; marine, forest and recreation parks; hunting and marine nature reserves; and national parks (Lamoureux, p. 161). Disease and Healthcare Increased globalization in Indonesia has also led to an increase in HIV and AIDS. The virus is most commonly found in women involved in the sex trade. Among prostitutes in Jakarta, the percentage of HIV/AIDS reported is about 17 percent. Among village women in some regions of Papua, not involved in prostitution, the percentage reported is as high as 26 percent. Many Muslim men refuse to wear condoms, exacerbating the spread of this disease (Lamoureux, p. 133). Intravenous drug users also encourage the spread of HIV/AIDS. According to an article in the Jakarta Post in December 1, 2002, it was reported that 43,000 people out of 120,000 people infected with HIV/AIDS were intravenous drug users (p. 140). In 1997, forest fires ravaged Sumatera and Kalimanta, destroying hectares of forests by the thousands. This created additional hazards, health and environmental, to existing problems in Indonesia (Kartasasmita, p. 10-11). Indigenous Populations Richard Robbins (2008) uses an example of the Meratus Dyak people living isolated in the Meratus Mountains of Indonesia to show hoe the indigenous people are effected by global. The Meratus have remained hunters and gathers and are dependent on slash-and-burn agriculture, traveling to fertile land within the mountains. The Indonesian government believes their culture makes them uncivilized and a threat to national security. The government has created a program, Management of Isolated Populations, to help discipline the 1.5 million groups of Indonesians, including the Meratus, and control their way of life (p. 269-270). The government has built housing settlements close together to relocate these groups to. They have also implemented nutrition and family plan programs to educate them on what the government feels they should consume and how and to limit the size of their families (p. 270). This concept of government has helped to eliminate the cultures of indigenous people. Protest In 1997, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a loan of $42 billion to help the bleak financial outlook of Indonesia. Two months later General Suharto, president of Indonesia, irritated the IMF by presenting a budget that went against the IMFs loan criteria. This angered many Indonesians. As food prices soared in 1998, riots erupted across Indonesia. General Suharto was re-elected causing great disapproval throughout the country. Protests broke out on college campuses as students showed their disapproval of Suharto being re-elected (Lamoureux, p. 80). The Chinese, having been wealthier under Dutch rule in colonial times, is often a target for brutality when Indonesians are experiencing difficult times (p. 82). Rioters robbed and burned Chinese shops. The Chinese were allowed to be merchants and own shops, separating them from the Indonesian farmers during colonial Dutch rule. Very few Chinese were farmers, therefore not subject to the large amount of farming needed to meet Dutch quotas, as the Indonesians were. Violent riots and rapes occurred in Jakarta during the protests in 1998 (p. 82). The combination of a growing population and diminishing resources and environment, have put immense pressure on food and water supplies. As previously discussed, the IRRI and technology have helped to alleviate some pressure on the food supply. However, the diminishing water supply has potential to be a source of tension and conflict in the future (Johnstone, 1999). Conclusion All the different aspects of globalization covered are all intra-related and have had a negative effect on Indonesia. Overcrowded islands, such as Java, have a high unemployment rate due to too many inhabitants and too few jobs. People transmigrated to less populated islands by the government in hopes of alleviating the stress of over-population to become self-sufficient farmers. This had a negative effect on both the original inhabitants and the newcomers to the islands. The growing population has put tremendous stress on the food and water supply of Indonesia, creating a need for imports, which takes money out of the country. The environment has been destroyed as rainforests are cut down for precious timber, animals, and plants. The disruption of the delicate balance that is the rainforest has created an unbalance of resources and health conditions. The introduction of tourism has brought outside diseases, such as HIV/AIDS that have detrimental to women and children in Indonesia. I ndigenous populations being forced to conform to the norm according to the Indonesian government has destroyed cultures. Protest has been an outlet for the disgruntled citizens of Indonesia. The Chinese have been targeted based on entitlements given in the past. All of these have come about because of globalism; therefore, I believe that globalism has affected Indonesia negatively.

Friday, October 25, 2019

lion king the musical Essay -- essays research papers

Lion King: The Musical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The original Disney cartoon of a lion cub blamed for his father’s death has been remade into a Broadway musical acclaimed all over the world. Seen by over twenty five million people in over 15 thousand performances this intricately designed wonder has taken over 37 thousand hours just to build the puppets and masks. Julie Taymor the director and costume designer was faced with a problem of whether to create humans or animals playing the part and she decided to make masks that show the animal face, as well as, show the human face giving the character his or her personality. As for expressing other animals that are not part of the main cast or to express a certain theme, 2 different kinds of puppetry were used to express an African theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masks are considered â€Å"functional works of art† and play a social purpose in Africa. They are used in storytelling and ceremonies and are made to be worn over the head rather than cover the face. This technique is also used in The Lion King so that the human facial expression is not lost and to support the beadwork, corsets and armor used to show the human qualities of a lion. The costumes on the other hand are made of silk cloth to hide the human form, break the shoulder line and to enhance the powerful joints and thighs. The masks are made in such a way that the actor can control the facial expression of the mask through cables ... lion king the musical Essay -- essays research papers Lion King: The Musical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The original Disney cartoon of a lion cub blamed for his father’s death has been remade into a Broadway musical acclaimed all over the world. Seen by over twenty five million people in over 15 thousand performances this intricately designed wonder has taken over 37 thousand hours just to build the puppets and masks. Julie Taymor the director and costume designer was faced with a problem of whether to create humans or animals playing the part and she decided to make masks that show the animal face, as well as, show the human face giving the character his or her personality. As for expressing other animals that are not part of the main cast or to express a certain theme, 2 different kinds of puppetry were used to express an African theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masks are considered â€Å"functional works of art† and play a social purpose in Africa. They are used in storytelling and ceremonies and are made to be worn over the head rather than cover the face. This technique is also used in The Lion King so that the human facial expression is not lost and to support the beadwork, corsets and armor used to show the human qualities of a lion. The costumes on the other hand are made of silk cloth to hide the human form, break the shoulder line and to enhance the powerful joints and thighs. The masks are made in such a way that the actor can control the facial expression of the mask through cables ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conflict Resolution Paper Essay

People deal with conflict every day and can choose how they handle the situation on their own terms. When dealing with a learning team in a school setting, one must count on his or her team members to accomplish his or her goals. During the duration of the course the team may encounter issues that will work against them in obtaining their goals such as lack of communication, personal interruptions, lack of commitment to the other team members, and lack of commitment to the assignment. When these kinds of conflicts arise in the classroom the team members have to use certain conflict management techniques, use their individual strengths and eventually come to a decision as a team. The Conflict At times one may encounter the non-participator in the group. The non-participator is one who neglects his or her responsibilities to work with the team (Engleberg & Wynn, 2010). A learning team participating in a course at University of Phoenix had a group paper that needed to be completed. However, not all team members were actively participating. The majority of the group wanted to start on the assignment in the middle of week three with the exception of one individual. The group used every resource—such as the learning team forum, the phone, and e-mails on their UOPX and personal account to contact the individual. By the middle of week three the team contacted the professor to inform her about the lack of communication. A couple of days later, the professor notified the group that she had not received a reply from the absent team member. The situation became critical to the point where the professor had to take time to contact enrollment to see if the missing team member had dropped the class. It turned out that the student was enrolled. The team was in a panic to create a contingency plan to determine who would pick up the missing member’s portion. This put unnecessary pressure on the group because of the lack of communication and participation. The day before the assignment was due the missing team member contacted the group stating that his portion would be submitted by the morning of the due date. The late response was very inconsiderate considering another member of the group was going to start on the missing portion, along with completing the final revisions. The group received a lower grade because the paper was lacking in readability and flow. The group was not pleased with the results. One more team project was due by the end of the course, and the team did not want to encounter the same problem on the final project. The team revisited the learning team charter as a method of enforcing the ground rules. Conflict Resolution Teams experience conflict within and between teams. When high performance work teams experience conflict, they handle it in a way that helps build team relations and promote positive change. Using effective conflict management techniques is the most valuable resolution for the team. The group agreed that positive techniques should be used. The first technique is to understand the underlining root cause of the conflict. Communicating with one another about the issue at hand allowed everyone to move forward in a resolution to the conflict as a team. Once the team agreed to understanding what the issue was, the team agreed on a time to be signed into a group discussion forum to work on the resolution. Next, the team communicated with each other about the conflict discussion topic and focused on the ideas brought fourth rather than who was presenting them. This focus was important because it allowed the team members to feel confident with expressing individual issues and allowed members to seek other member’s points of view (Belgard, Fisher, & Rayner, 1995). One of the most important techniques was engaging in listening actively and empathetically. By listening to other members the group could build on the teams common goals and work through hard feelings, which had been interfering with an interpersonal relationship within the team. When conflict techniques are well managed, an extremely positive and productive effect can enable the team to foster continued improvements. Learning about conflict and conflict management techniques is extremely valuable to organizations, teams, and individuals. Conflicts occur at all levels of interaction—at work, among friends, within families, and between relationship partners. If it is handled well, conflict can be productive, leading to deeper understanding and mutual respect. Conclusion Teams move through various stages throughout the timeline of a project. As they move from the forming stage to the second stage of storming, it is vital to the success of the team that they utilize conflict resolution strategies if they are going to move to the norming stage and be successful. The team was trying to work through the conflict of being unable to communicate despite many efforts by the team. They utilized positive communication conflict resolution techniques to understand and work through the problem. The team reviewed their charter and stressed the importance of working together and communicating which fostered an environment of mutual respect versus bashing the teammate that had not effectively communicated in the first three weeks. Due to the problems, they ultimately turned their part of the project in late. Through the 4 R’s (Wynn, 2012): Reason- identifying the reasons for the conflict. The team worked through the conflict by seeking to understand. They made every attempt to contact the member of their team who had not been communicating and sought to understand the problem using a positive approach. Reaction-ensuring that in the nature of teamwork, they remain unbiased. The team did not assume the nature of the conflict, and instead they continued to work through the issue until they found that the member of the team that was unresponsive. Results- by maintaining communication and a positive approach to the project and monitoring the progress, the team was able to identify at a critical point that one team member was not communicating and was not demonstrating an effort to contribute to the project. The team was able to identify this and work quickly to resolve the situation. The team continued to work through the issue until the team member made contact. The team took steps after this situation to review as a team the charter and ground rules for the team to prevent this problem in the next project. It is vital to track progress and maintain communication for success. After the teammate was finally reached, the final R, which is Resolution, was achieved. References Belgard, W., Fisher, K., & Rayner, S. (1995). Tips for teams. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, Co.. Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2010). Working in groups (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Princess Culture

In â€Å"Cinderella and Princess Culture†, by Peggy Orenstein, she guides us through her inner-debate on the true nature of princesses. Orenstein writes on what she calls a princess â€Å"craze† (326) and how major companies like Disney, Mattel, and Saks have joined in the frenzy to ensnare young girls with pink and sparkles. It is possible that Orenstein is trying to tell us that princesses themselves are not the problem; it is the marketing of princesses that has the potential to steal independence from young girls.Firstly, Orenstein reveals some of the eye-popping figures that companies have been making on princesses. Even with stringent competition from Mattel and Saks, Disney still tops the charts with an annual profit of â€Å"$3 billion, globally† (327). With a â€Å"myriad† (327) of products pouring into the market, Orenstein claims that â€Å"pink, it seems, is the new gold† (327). By pointing out all of the new products dealing with prince sses, perhaps Orenstein is attempting to draw attention to the sheer size of the princess â€Å"craze† (326) and how it is potentially detrimental to young girls because, if they only see princess toys, then their power to choose what they want has been diminished drastically.Orenstein worries openly about what exposing her daughter to stereotypes will do to her, wondering â€Å"what playing Little Mermaid is teaching [her daughter]† (327). Orenstein then moves on to reevaluate her feminist views, but feels that â€Å"maybe [she is] still surfing a washed-out second wave of feminism in a third-wave world. Maybe princesses are in fact a sign of progress†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (328). Perhaps Orenstein is trying to get readers to realize that being a princess could be a new form of feminism and independence for girls instead of a symbol of dependence.Orenstein gives readers the inside scoop on how the â€Å"rise of Disney princesses reads like a fairy tale† (328) to furthe r investigate the influence the market has on young girls. Orenstein speaks to Andy Mooney, an employee at Disney, about the formation of the Disney Princess line. Mooney says that he saw that girls were already dressing as princesses and to create a specific line of Disney products was to â€Å"‘[allow] these girls to do what they’re doing anyway†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (328).With Mooney’s words, readers are  inclined to think that, if girls already want to be princesses, then there might be nothing wrong with the marketing of princesses after all. However, Orenstein then points out that, according to a survey by Girls Inc., â€Å"school-age girls overwhelmingly [report] a paralyzing pressure to be ‘perfect’† (329). Orenstein’s statement brings the reader back to realizing the immense potential marketing has to take away independence from young girls, further solidifying Orenstein’s worry and mistrust of the commercial empires that have played a part in the rise of princesses.From the beginning, Orenstein appears critical of the princess â€Å"craze† (326) and the monstrous marketing machine that has risen up beside it. Orenstein wonders, however, whether or not being a princess is truly bad for a girl’s ability to remain independent, but this thought does not last. As Orenstein’s thoughts draw to a close, it is apparent that she has made no definite conclusions about princesses, marketing, and who is to blame. Perhaps readers can take away the thought that, even with the market still looming over girls’ heads, there is still the potential to be an independent princess.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bond Dissociation Energy Definition

Bond Dissociation Energy Definition Bond dissociation energy is defines as the amount of energy which is required to homolytically fracture a chemical bond. A homolytic fracture usually produces radical species. Shorthand notation for this energy is BDE,  D0, or  DH °. Bond dissociation energy is often used as a measure of the strength of a chemical bond and to compare different bonds. Note the enthalpy change is temperature dependent. Typical units of bond dissociation energy are kJ/mol or kcal/mol. Bond dissociation energy may be measured experimentally using spectrometry, calorimetry, and electrochemical methods. Key Takeaways: Bond Dissociation Energy Bond dissociation energy is the energy required to break a chemical bond.It is one means of quantifying the strength of a chemical bond.Bond dissociation energy equals bond energy only for diatomic molecules.The strongest bond dissociation energy is for the Si-F bond. The weakest energy is for a covalent bond and is comparable to the strength of intermolecular forces. Bond Dissociation Energy Versus Bond Energy Bond dissociation energy is only equal to bond energy for diatomic molecules. This is because the bond dissociation energy is the energy of a single chemical bond, while bond energy is the average value for all the bond dissociation energies of all bonds of a certain type within a molecule. For example, consider removing successive hydrogen atoms from a methane molecule. The first bond dissociation energy is 105 kcal/mol, second is 110 kcal/mol, third is 101 kcal/mol, and final is 81 kcal/mol. So, the bond energy is the average of the bond dissociation energies, or 99 kcal/mol. In fact, the bond energy doesnt equal the bond dissociation energy for any of the C-H bonds in the methane molecule! The Strongest and Weakest Chemical Bonds From bond dissociation energy, its possible to determine which chemical bonds are strongest and which are weakest. The strongest chemical bond is the Si-F bond. The bond dissociation energy for F3Si-F is 166 kcal/mol, while the bond dissociation energy for H3Si-F is 152 kcal/mol. Th reason the Si-F bond is believed to be so strong is because there is a significant electronegativity difference between the two atoms. The carbon-carbon bond in acetylene also has a high bond dissociation energy of 160 kcal/mol. The strongest bond in a neutral compound is 257 kcal/mol in carbon monoxide. There is no particular weakest bond dissociation energy because weak covalent bonds actually have energy comparable to that of intermolecular forces. Generally speaking, the weakest chemical bonds are those between noble gases and transition metal fragments. The smallest measured bond dissociation energy is between atoms in the helium dimer, He2. The dimer is held together by the van der Waals force and has a bond dissociation energy of 0.021 kcal/mol. Bond Dissociation Energy Versus Bond Dissociation Enthalpy Sometimes the terms bond dissociation energy and bond dissociation enthalpy are used interchangeably. However, the two are not necessarily the same. The bond dissociation energy is the enthalpy change at 0 K. The bond dissociation enthalpy, sometimes simply called bond enthalpy, is the enthalpy change at 298 K. Bond dissociation energy is favored for theoretical work, models, and computations. Bond enthalpy is used for thermochemistry. Note that most of the time the values at the two temperatures are not significantly different. So, even though enthalpy does depend on temperatures, ignoring the effect doesnt usually have a big impact on calculations. Homolytic and Heterolytic Dissociation The definition of bond dissociation energy is for homolytically broken bonds. This refers to a symmetrical break in a chemical bond. However, bonds can break asymmetrically or heterolytically. In the gas phase, the energy released for a heterolytic break is larger than for homolysis. If a solvent is present, the energy value drops dramatically. Sources Blanksby, S.J.; Ellison, G.B. (April 2003). Bond dissociation energies of organic molecules. Accounts of Chemical Research. 36 (4): 255–63. doi:10.1021/ar020230dIUPAC, Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the Gold Book) (1997).Gillespie, Ronald J. (July 1998). Covalent and Ionic Molecules: Why Are BeF2 and AlF3 High Melting Point Solids whereas BF3 and SiF4 Are Gases?. Journal of Chemical Education. 75 (7): 923. doi:10.1021/ed075p923Kalescky, Robert; Kraka, Elfi; Cremer, Dieter (2013). Identification of the Strongest Bonds in Chemistry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 117 (36): 8981–8995. doi:10.1021/jp406200wLuo, Y.R. (2007). Comprehensive handbook of chemical bond energies. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-8493-7366-4.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Authorship in Cinema essays

Authorship in Cinema essays Flannery O'Connor's short story collection A Good Man is Hard to Find has many elements of a southern gothic work. Images of ancient castles with sliding panels create suspicious themes and settings that lead the readers into the dark and gloomy world of the southern United States. With all of the violence, horror, and dismal surroundings presented in O'Connor's stories there is too a moral message given. Later gothic work did not always explain horror like this, holding little moral value to contrast their grotesque images (notes, November 1). O'Connor's stories do include a strong moral element, frequently in the form of religious explanations. The characters within A Good Man is Hard to Find are usually ignorant and self-satisfying people, who come across "the grotesque" and are shocked into self-realization, no longer self-satisfied. These grotesque elements are usually the divine in disguise forcing the characters into introspection. In a letter Flannery O'Connor wrote sh e stated: "You have found Christ when you are concerned with other people's suffering and not your own." In this quotation we can see the moral message O'Connor was attempting to convey in her stories, and through further analysis of the work this fact can be more clearly illustrated. In the first story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor's moral message is clearly presented. The grandmother protagonist in the story is very self-serving. She demands constant attention (although rarely getting it) and stubborn in the fact that her wishes must be carried out. She only wants to go to Tennessee to see old connections (O'Connor, pg. 1). The grandmother cannot move away from past and is at the same time confused by accuracy of past events. On the trip a road stop seems very suggestive of a hellish place: barbecue fires, Red Sammy, etc (O'Connor, pg. 6). The grandmother's lack of character judging is pointed out in this scene. She believes that R...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing For Magazines

Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines By Sharon Theres more to writing for magazines than getting your name into Cosmopolitan. Thousands of new magazines are launched every year and its a big market for freelance writers. In fact, its even bigger now that so many magazines have an online presence. So, how do you go about writing a magazine article that will sell? What Magazine Articles Do I admit, I didnt know this when I wrote my first magazine article, but most magazine articles do one of four things. They inform, adding to your knowledge about a subject. They help you to solve a problem. They persuade you about a particular viewpoint. They entertain you. Some articles do more than one of those things at the same time. How To Structure A Magazine Article When youre ready to write then you need to think about structure. With magazine articles, you can move beyond the inverted pyramid of news. Instead, you can build to an important point or scatter important points throughout the article. Tell A Story The key thing to remember is that youre telling a story to your readers. That means you need a beginning, a middle and an end. It also means you need to think about where youre taking your reader and create a logical path to that end point. Beginning Your Magazine Article The first thing you need to do is get people to read your article, so you need to find a way to grab them. When I interview people, I often start the resulting article with a quote or an anecdote from their life. However, you can also set the scene or use anything that will get attention. The Middle With most magazine articles, you talk to a person or people. People like reading about other people, so if your interviewee says something good, use a quote rather than reported speech. This makes your magazine article more interesting. Ending Your Magazine Article Finally, end with a bang. This could be an important point, a revelation, or another anecdote or quote. The idea is to satisfy your reader and to get that reader interested in your other writing. Extra Credit When you research an article, you often have information left over that didnt make it into the main piece. Dont get rid of this. Use it to create a sidebar or table (editors will love this), or as the starting point for another article. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Loan, Lend, Loaned, Lent10 Tips About How to Write a Caption

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economics and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economics and Finance - Essay Example Another important feature of a developed bond market is that this corporate bond market provides an alternative source for funds used for operational purposes by the private sector other than borrowing from banks or from the equity markets. Debentures, Unsecured Notes and subordinated debts are those securities which are traded and issued on the corporate bond market. Those firms which are running efficiently and successfully can also decide to spread out their activities and start-up new projects. To start new projects the firms need to raise capital. Hence the firm can decide on raising those funds from the bond market as it can be advantageous for the firm in the long run. Understanding the corporate bond market is critical for any company. The following sections give an outlook of the market, on how it functions(the securities which can be issued in the market), the advantages of issuing bonds over other sources such as equity markets and other sources of finance, the types of fi rms that can issue the corporate bonds, the providers of debt and their requirements. The information of the corporate bond markets will help the Board in making informed decision regarding the use of corporate bonds for raising capital to finance the new project which is worth 800 million. Types of securities that can be issued in the corporate bond market The following are the three types of securities that a firm can issue. 1. Debentures A debenture is a type of a document which is not secured by any collateral. Below are the two types of debentures explained? a. Fixed-Charge debenture:. In this type of debenture, a charge is fixed over those assets which are permanent for example fixed assets like buildings. In case the company defaults, these assets are not allowed to be sold until the bondholder has been satisfied in the event of default. The first claim on the assets is of these bondholders b. Floating-charge debenture: In this type of debenture, the charge is floating, that is a charge is issued over assets such as finished goods. Since, these assets are meant to be sold the firm issues a floating charge over these assets. When the firm defaults the floating charge is converted into fixed charge. The bondholders can then take control of the assets. When the claims of the fixed charge bondholders are satisfied, they can claim the remaining assets of the firm. 2. Unsecured Notes It is a corporate bond with no underlying security attached to it. The bondholders cannot claim the assets until the fixed-charge and floating-charge bondholders are satisfied. In the event of default, the unsecured notes holders will be paid last. 3. Subordinated Debt Subordinated debt is that type of a debt which is issued for the long-term and in the event of a default, subordinated debt holders receive after all other creditors. Subordinated debt is closer to equity than debt. It is shown as shareholders’ funds on the balance sheet. It improves the credit rating of the firm. As a result the firm can borrow more easily. Types of firms that qualify for raising direct debt Direct debt can be raised by public limited companies, who can do this by issuing financial securities such as stock and bonds.. These shares can be issued to the general public by means of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and

Friday, October 18, 2019

WE 1 CRJ 545 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WE 1 CRJ 545 - Research Paper Example Investigation of death is a crucial component in American criminal justice system, which is based on the concept that no innocent person should be punished. Especially in the case of homicides, it is imperative to determine the cause of death so as to rule out natural or accidental death and to confirm the mode of death in order to conduct further investigations. Cause of death can be defined as a disease or an injury that has triggered the â€Å"train of morbid events† that have led directly to the demise or the circumstances or actions that directly contributed to the injury, leading to the death (Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook, 2003, p.11). Usually, the medical examiner or coroner is the official who owes the responsibility to determine the â€Å"cause, circumstances and manner† of an individual’s death so as confirm whether the event has occurred as the result of an accident, injury or any foul play (The Office of the Coroner, 2007, p .1). Coroners function as independent investigators but often they will have to work with the â€Å"law enforcement† officers, medical professionals and other service providers (p.1). The determination of the precise cause of death plays a critical role in all homicide investigations as well in the allocation of public funds, insurance etc and, therefore, the persons responsible for the medical examination need to determine it accurately. Conducting of an autopsy is a significant process involved in the determination of the cause of death in all cases. The procedure of autopsy encompasses the medical examination of a dead individual’s body, which is usually carried out by a medical practitioner who is specially trained for the purpose. Autopsies are normally conducted for both â€Å"clinical† and â€Å"medico-legal† purposes (Kotabagi, Charati & Jayachandar, 2004, p.258). The main objective of clinical autopsy

Importance of prenatal care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Importance of prenatal care - Essay Example So it is mandatory for every pregnant woman to receive prenatal care to have an healthy and secured pregnancy period. Prenatal care is the care provided to women during the period of pregnancy, this involves offering medication and nursing care to the women to experience a safe pregnancy period. Prenatal care is even known as antenatal care and is a regular provision of medical and nursing to pregnant women. It is a prevention care where pregnant women are protected from diseases and illnesses while being pregnant. It includes regular check- ups and midwife related services to introduce a healthy life style to pregnant women. The main objective of prenatal care is the health and wellness of mother and baby from conception to birth. The prenatal care is an important aspect of pregnancy and every women benefit from it throughout their pregnancy period (thesis). The prenatal care allows the mother and baby to be in better health. It gives psychological and physiological advantages to the mother and the baby. It have has been revealed with the help of survey that women who receive prenatal care has baby with perfect weight. According to (Schmitt,2009) â€Å"Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care†. When pregnant women get prenatal care, the doctor checks every problem arising with the health of mother and baby. There are cases where, mother and baby die due to the ignorance and the absence of prenatal care. Doctors can detect problems or complications in the health of baby and mother only if prenatal care occurs. Prenatal care is a kind of care which is recommended to every pregnant woman in order to have a healthy motherhood and baby. Healthy pregnancy is a want of every mother and prenatal care helps in having a healthy mother and healthy

Literature & Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature & Gender - Essay Example Moreover, Abbandonato quarrel that The Color Purple rewrites canonical male texts, but she does not talk about Walker's redrafting of the story of Philomela. Likewise, though critics such as Trudier Harris, Keith Byerman, Wendy Wall, Mae Henderson, and King-Kok Cheung have talk about Celie's attainment of private and public languages, none of these opponents has scrutinized Walker's reconfiguration of linguistic elements of the legend of Philomela. Unlike the original mythic text, as well as the novels of Morrison and Naylor, Walker's text gives Philomela a voice that productively resists the aggressive patriarchal dedication of male will onto a silent female body. Yet Walker does more than just allow Philomela to speak inside the confines of patriarchal dialogue. Furthermore, Walker's novel revises the myth of Philomela by creating a heroine's text that reconfigures the metaphorical state of affairs of sender-receiver-message and articulates Celie's progress away from a survival as a victim in a patriarchal plot toward a linguistic and narratological occurrence as the novelist/subject of her own story. Walker's novel also rewrites the myth during its formation of an option discourse that allows for the appearance of both mannish and female subjectivity --a language of the sewn that remove from the violence of patriarchal power, of patriarchal conversation. No doubt, Celie's skills as a seamstress together get back and refigure the myth of Philomela, for different Philomela's tapestry/text, Celie's sewing functions as an option line of attack of language that moves her away from aggression and persecution and into self-empowerment and prejudice. The novel also intentionally conflates the pen and the needle, thereby deconstructing the binary oppositions among the masculine and the womanly, the spoken and the silenced, the lexical along with the graphic. Moreover, Walker's reconfiguration of the legend of Philomela thus turns over the master dialogue and the master description of patriarchal society. In Walker's hands Philomela's speech turn out to be the gadget for a radical change of the individual as well as a dissident deconstruction of the power structures that undergird together patriarchal language and the patriarchal globe itself. If we analyze then we come to know that the Color Purple is about Celie's life. In the opening of the novel, we find out that Celie was raped by her father. We also learn that Celie's mother is ill and is incapable to take care of the family. Celie is forced to cook and spotless for her family. Celie imagine two children since of her father's incessant raping. She never sees her children and considers that her father killed them. After interpretation this novel, I understand that black women in the late 1800's and early 1900's had a extremely hard life. I had always typecast black woman throughout that time to be similar to Aunt Jemina. I have learned that black woman throughout the 1800's had to be strong and brave just to make it during the day. To stay alive a lifetime they had to look inside themselves to gather the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fundamental Principle of Morality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fundamental Principle of Morality - Assignment Example Do great; keep away from abhorrence. This most essential good rule, the beginning stage for profound quality, was verbalized by Aristotle, an aged Greek thinker, and is held by all the worlds significant religions. All other good standards stream from this one. Do unto others as you might have them do unto you. The end does not legitimize the methods. Established theory and the real world religious customs have maintained the guideline that having a great end (objective or reason) does not support the utilization of abhorrence means (strategy) to accomplish that end. The predictable results are some piece of those circumstances of the demonstration, which, while equipped for reducing the gravity of an insidiousness demonstration, in any case, cant modify its ethical species (Daniel, 12-19). Take after what nature aims. Referred to in reasoning as characteristic law, this standard is not really a law recorded somewhere in any case, rather, a methodology to settling on choices that regards the way of things, particularly personal inclination. Quickly, common law lets us know this: Follow what is regular for individuals and whatever remains of creation. Don't abuse the way of things. For example, our inborn feeling of what is reasonable and respectable. Also, think about how regular law could apply to peoples messing with the natures domain. For instance, it is common for the earth to have a defensive ozone layer around it to shield creatures and plants from the dangerous impacts of ultraviolet light.

Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Karl Marx - Essay Example Karl Marx saw religion as being used to console the poor and to give them false promises thus making them forget the challenges that they were going through in life. The bourgeois was using religion in this consolatory manner so as to make the proletariat not to rise against them in protest for the injustices that they were undergoing. Karl Marx, therefore, saw religion as the opiate of the masses that was making the poor to have a passive approach to the challenges that they were going through in life. The second idea that I love about Karl Marx is his idea of human history and class conflict. Karl Marx claimed that in the history of human beings, every historical epoch is marked by two classes of people, i.e. the bourgeois and the proletarians. The bourgeois is the rich and the owners of the means of production. The proletariats, on the other hand, are the poor people who provide labor to the bourgeois. Karl Marx said that besides the bourgeois being the owners of the means of production, they also constitute the ruling class, political power and authority reside with them. Carl Marx claimed that because of this glaring inequality between these two classes of people, conflict is bound to arise in such a society. This is because the proletariat will always feel short changed and as a result, they will strive to overthrow the bourgeois from power so that they would also have an opportunity to be rich and to own the means of production. The bourgeois, on the other hand, will strive t o ward off the resistance of the proletariat.... The new proletariats will in turn start protesting against the bourgeois and this will lead to a new conflict in an attempt to overthrow the bourgeois from the reins of power. This process will continue on and on, in a dialectic way, till when it will come such a time when classes in the society will be completely abolished, i.e., when all the people in a society will be able to communally own the means of production. This kind of society will be a socialist or a communist society. Karl Marx believed that through this theory of class struggle he had explained the history of humanity and the law behind the history. Karl Marx was strongly convinced that without equal distribution of resources in a society, conflict is bound to arise. For Karl Marx material is the ultimate reality and the history of human beings can be explained as a constant and dialectic struggle for the material resources. Karl Marx envisioned a time when there will be equality in the distribution of resources and wh en the means of production of a society will be communally owned. He envisioned a time when the resources of a country will be divided not according to one’s ability but according to one’s needs. But this is not possible in a capitalist society; it is possible only in a socialist or communist society. This is because in a capitalist society, the distribution of resources is not based on one’s needs, but rather on one’s ability to acquire the resources. I really love this idea of Karl Marx because a critical look at the many conflicts in our societies and the world at large can be attributed to class struggle. Our capitalist economies have created a wide economic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fundamental Principle of Morality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fundamental Principle of Morality - Assignment Example Do great; keep away from abhorrence. This most essential good rule, the beginning stage for profound quality, was verbalized by Aristotle, an aged Greek thinker, and is held by all the worlds significant religions. All other good standards stream from this one. Do unto others as you might have them do unto you. The end does not legitimize the methods. Established theory and the real world religious customs have maintained the guideline that having a great end (objective or reason) does not support the utilization of abhorrence means (strategy) to accomplish that end. The predictable results are some piece of those circumstances of the demonstration, which, while equipped for reducing the gravity of an insidiousness demonstration, in any case, cant modify its ethical species (Daniel, 12-19). Take after what nature aims. Referred to in reasoning as characteristic law, this standard is not really a law recorded somewhere in any case, rather, a methodology to settling on choices that regards the way of things, particularly personal inclination. Quickly, common law lets us know this: Follow what is regular for individuals and whatever remains of creation. Don't abuse the way of things. For example, our inborn feeling of what is reasonable and respectable. Also, think about how regular law could apply to peoples messing with the natures domain. For instance, it is common for the earth to have a defensive ozone layer around it to shield creatures and plants from the dangerous impacts of ultraviolet light.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Public Administration Beckons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Administration Beckons - Essay Example The desire to make a living while providing for the basic needs of as many people as possible was born out of idealism and was nurtured by experience. I have always been both awed and fascinated by the intricate workings of government, the noble and delicate task of balancing the often scarce human and material resources to administer the executive-branch functions of government - international relations, environmental sanitation and conservation, mail delivery and providing for the general health, education and welfare of the citizenry. Public administration calls for a deep sense of responsibility and organization, foresight, leadership and a way with people. It also requires a steep grounding in accounting and management. In municipal and state governments, public administration means running programs on a multitude of concerns such as health, highway, fire, police, water, transportation, electricity, gas, care of parks and recreation facilities, development of natural resources, public housing and urban renewal. A public administrator sees to the proper staffing pattern for sanitation services, clerical and maintenance connected with the above functions. You will never find a more edifying set of challenges in other careers or professions where self-interest is the chief motivation for work.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Welfare Effects Of A Government Policy Economics Essay

The Welfare Effects Of A Government Policy Economics Essay For the purpose of this paper demand and supply analysis is used to show how it can be applied to a wide variety of economic problems. In the first section consumer and producer surplus is better defined and explained to understand the welfare effects of a government policy. In other words, consumer and producer surplus can evaluate who gains and who loses from a given policy, and also by how much. Also note that these two concepts of surplus can also be used to demonstrate the efficiency of a competitive market. In the sections to follow minimum prices, price supports, and related policies will be discussed in more detail. To assist the theory, demand-supply analysis will be used to understand and assess these policies. Consumer and Producer Surplus To understand consumer and producer surplus better the principles of price ceilings and floors will be discussed. As opposed to price floors, a government-imposed price ceiling means that the price is set at a lower level than the price in the prevailing market. Likewise, price ceilings will cause the quantity of a good demanded to rise. This happens because at lower prices consumers want to buy more. On the other hand, the quantity supplied will fall because producers are not willing to supply as much at lower prices. As a result of this a shortage will occur, which also indicates excess demand. Note that those consumers who can still buy the good will be better off because they now pay less. However, supply will fall, forcing producers to provide less of their goods. The following section provides a more detailed explanation of the welfare gained or lost by both consumers and producers, should certain prices be imposed. For the purpose of this section the assumption follows that consumers and producers buy and sell at the prevailing market price in an unregulated, competitive market. However, for some consumers the value of the good in question exceeds the prevailing market price. This also means that the consumer would be willing to pay more for the good if it was expected. Therefore, consumer surplus is the total benefit that consumers receive beyond what they pay for the good (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:300). For example if the market price of a product is R7, but the consumer is willing to pay R10 for it, then his net benefit will be R3. Consumer surplus can also be explained with the assistance of demand and supply curves. In this respect consumer surplus can be interpreted as the area between the demand curve and the market price. Pindyck and Rubinfeld (2005:300) also states that consumer surplus measures the net benefit to consumers in the aggregate, therefore, this analysis can be used to better understand the gains or losses induced from government interventions. On the other hand, producer surplus is the equivalent measure for producers (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:301). If goods were to be produced at a price lower than the market price, then more could be produced. Therefore, producers will enjoy a benefit, or rather a surplus, from selling those units. This surplus is the difference between the market price the producer receives and the marginal cost of producing the units. It can also be better explained as the area above the supply curve up to the market price. Essentially consumer and producer surplus is used for economic analysis to evaluate the welfare effects of a government intervention in the market. It assists with anticipating who will gain or lose from the intervention, and also by how much. To do so the concepts of price ceilings and price floors will be explained in more detail. Price Ceilings Price ceilings occur when production (supply) is decreased and the quantity demanded is increased (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:301). Price ceilings tend to cause excess demand, or rather shortages, to occur. Figure 1: Graphical Presentation of a Price Ceiling The following section provides a theoretical explanation of Figure 1 and the effects of price ceilings on consumers and producers respectively: Consumer Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:302; and Perloff, 2005:274, 296, 297): Consumers are better off as they can buy the good at a lower price. Thus, the consumers that still buy the good enjoy an increase in consumer surplus, which is resembled by rectangle A. On the other, those consumers who can no longer buy the good lose surplus. Their loss is represented by triangle B. Therefore, the net change in consumer surplus which is a positive result is: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = A B Producer Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:303; and Perloff, 2005:278, 280, 297): With price controls, some producers will stay in the market but will receive a lower price for their output. Thus, they have lost the producer surplus represented by rectangle A. Other producers may however leave the market. This means that total production will also drop, which is represented by triangle C. Therefore, the change in producer surplus, which is a negative result, is: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = (-A) C Deadweight Loss (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:304; and Perloff, 2005:280, 281): Price controls will result in a net loss, which is also referred to as deadweight loss. Therefore, combining the change in both consumer and producer surplus will bring along a total change in surplus as follows: Deadweight Loss = (A B) + [(-A) -C] = (-B) C In essence, deadweight loss results in an inefficiency caused by price controls. In summation, a price ceiling is that price held below the prevailing market price. It merely means that too little is produced and, at the same time, that consumers and producers in the aggregate are worse off (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:306; and Mohr, 2004:162, 163). Price Floors In contrast to price ceilings, price floors indicate what happens when government requires for the price to be above the market price. Although producers would like to produce more at this higher price (indicated on the supply curve at P2) consumers will now buy less. If we assume that producers only produce what can be sold, then the market output level will be at Q1. Once again there is a noted net loss of total surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:306, and Perloff, 2005:293): Triangles B (a loss of consumer surplus) and C (a loss of producer surplus) represents the deadweight loss. Rectangle D represents the transfer from consumers to producers, who now receive a higher price. Figure 2: Graphical Presentation of a Price Floor In fact, the deadweight loss gives an optimistic assessment of the efficiency cost of policies. The reason for this assumption is that some producers may still however increase prices after the price floor have been incorporated. This would, in turn, result in unsold output. However, should the producer receive more importance with regard to applicable policies, then government might buy up the unsold output to maintain production at Q0. In both cases, the total welfare loss will exceed the areas of triangles B and C (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:307). The Efficiency of a Competitive Market As discussed already, consumer and producer surplus can be used to evaluate economic efficiency in the aggregate. In the previous section it was shown how price controls create a deadweight loss. Thus, the policy imposes an efficiency cost on the economy (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:306). Both consumer and producer surplus are reduced by the amount of the deadweight loss. This does not mean that such a policy is bad. It may however achieve other objectives that policymakers and the public consider important. Many researchers argue that if the only objective is to achieve economic efficiency, then a competitive market would be better left alone. This means that no interventions should occur. However, in some cases market failure will occur because prices fail to provide the proper signals to consumers and producers. Also, the unregulated, competitive market could be inefficient. These indications of market failure may occur because of two instances (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:306): Externalities: Sometimes the actions of either consumers or producers will result in a cost/benefit that does not show up as part of the market price. Such a cost/benefit can also be referred to as externalities because they are external to the market. An example of this is the cost to society of environmental pollution by a producer of industrial chemicals. Lack of Information: When consumers lack information about the quality or nature of a product and can therefore not make a utility-maximising purchasing decision. If these two instances (externalities and/or the lack of information) are absent in a market then that unregulated, competitive market will essentially have no obstacles, and an economically efficient output level can be reached. Minimum Prices For the purpose of this section we will refer back to Figure 2. From the graph we can see that if producers can correctly anticipate that they can sell only the lower quantity Q1, then the net welfare will be given by triangles B and C. However, as mentioned before, producers may not limit their output to Q1. Incorporating Figure 2 to illustrate minimum prices, the following notations has to be made (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:310): P2 denotes a minimum price set by the government. Q2 denotes the quantity supplied, and Q1 denotes the quantity demanded. The difference between Q1 and Q2 represents excess supply, or rather, unsold supply. Therefore, Consumer Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:310): Those consumers who still purchase the good must now pay a higher price (Rectangle D). Some consumers will also drop out of the market (Triangle B). Therefore, consumer surplus remains the same as before and indicates that consumers are actually worse off as a result of this policy: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = (-D) B Producer Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:311): Producers, on the other hand, receive a higher price for the units they sell, which results in an increase of surplus (Rectangle D). Rectangle D can also be better described as the transfer of funds between consumers and producers. But, the drop in sales from Q0 to Q1 actually results in a loss of surplus which is represented by triangle C. Also remember that the supply curve is a representation of the additional cost of producing each incremental unit. Thus, the area under the supply curve from Q1 to Q2 is the cost of producing quantity Q2 less Q1. This area is represented by trapezoid E. Unless producers respond to unsold output by cutting production, the total change in producer surplus will be: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = D C E Minimum prices is merely one of the ways to raise prices above the prevailing market level through the direct intervention and regulation of the government simply make it illegal to charge a price lower than a specific minimum level. As a result, this form of government intervention can reduce producers profits because of the cost of excess production. Another example of this is a minimum wage law. In other words, a wage rate at a level higher than the market price will result in those workers who can find jobs and earn a higher payoff. However, some people who want to work will be unable to, which will result in a policy that brings about unemployment (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:311). Price Supports and Production Quotas Besides imposing a minimum price, the government can also increase the price of a good in other ways. In agricultural policy the system is mostly based on price supports, but prices can also be increased by restricting production, either directly or through incentives to producers (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:314). In this section these policies will be examined in more detail as to show how consumers, producers and the government budget are affected. Price Supports: In general, price supports aim to increase the prices of dairy products, tobacco, peanuts, etc. This is done with the intention that the producers of these types of products earn higher incomes. This basically entails that the government sets the supporting price and then buys up whatever output is needed to keep the market price at this level. The resulting gains/losses will be as follows: Figure 3: Government Price Supports Consumers Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:315): At price P2, the quantity demanded falls to Q1, and the quantity supplied increases to Q2. To maintain this price and avoid inventories having to pile up, the government must buy the quantity Qg = Q2 Q1. Because the government adds its demand to the demand of the consumers, producers can sell all they want at price P2. Therefore, the consumer surplus will be calculated in the same way as with minimum prices: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = (-D) B Producers Surplus (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:315): Price support policies are implemented with the intention to increase the gains that producers receive because producers are now selling a higher quantity (Q2) at a higher price (P2). Therefore producer surplus will be as follows: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = D + B + F Government Welfare (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:315): However, there is also a cost to government, which in essence is paid for by taxes. Thus, ultimately this is actually a cost indirectly related to consumers. This amount is represented by the rectangle that makes up BCEFG. This cost may be reduced if the government can dump some of its purchases, for example, selling them abroad at a low price. However, doing so hurts the ability of the domestic market to sell in foreign markets. The total welfare cost of this policy could be defined as: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS + à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS Cost to Gov = D (Q2 Q1)P2 If the objective is to give producers an additional income equal to D + B + F, it is far less costly to society if government were to give them this money directly rather than via price supports. This can be supported by the fact that price supports are costing consumers D + B anyway. If government pay producers directly, then society will save the large rectangular area BCEFG less triangle F (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:316). However, price supports are in use most likely because they are a less obvious giveaway and, therefore, politically more correct. Production Quotas: The government can also cause the price of a good to rise by reducing supply. Government can do this by setting quotas on how much each firm can produce. With appropriate quotas, the price can then be forced up to any arbitrary level. An example of this could be the control of liquor licenses by the government. By requiring any bar or restaurant to have a liquor license and, at the same time limiting the number of licenses, will result in limited entrants into that market. This also allows those with licenses to earn higher prices and profit margins. The welfare effects of production quotas will be explained in the following section (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:317): The government restricts the quantity supplied to Q1, rather than at the market level of Q0. Thus the supply curve becomes the vertical line S at Q1. As a result consumer surplus is reduced by rectangle D plus triangle B. On the other hand, producers gain rectangle D less triangle C. Thus, once again, there is a deadweight loss that occurs which is represented by B + C: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = (-D) B à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = D C + (Payments for not producing) However, the cost to the government is a payment sufficient enough to give producers an incentive to reduce output to Q1. That incentive must be at least as large as (B + C + F), because that area represents the additional profit that could have been made if the quota was not applicable. Also remember that the higher price (P2) give producers incentive to produce more even though the government is trying to get them to produce less. Thus, the cost to government is at least B + C + F and the total change in producer surplus is: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = D C + B + C + F = D + B + F à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  Welfare = (-D) B + D + B + F B C F = (-B) C Figure 4: Supply Restrictions via Production Quotas This is the same change in producer surplus as with price supports therefore, producers should in essence be indifferent between the two policies because they end up gaining the same amount of money from each. Likewise, consumers end up losing the same amount of money (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:318). It can also be noted that, once again, the society will clearly be better off in efficiency terms if the government simply gave the producers (generally in the agricultural sector) D + B + C, leaving price and output alone. Producers would then gain D + B + C and the government would lose this profit for a total welfare change of zero, instead of a loss of B + C. However, economic efficiency is not always the objective of government policy. Import Quotas and Tariffs Many countries use import quotas and tariffs to keep the domestic price of a product above world levels and thereby enable the domestic industry to enjoy higher profits than it would under free trade. However, the cost to taxpayers from this protection can be relatively high. Without a quota or tariff, a country will import a good when its price is below the price that would prevail domestically, were there no imports (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:321, 322; and Perloff, 2005:298, 299). Figure 5: The Affect of an Import Tariff/Quota on Imports S and D represent the domestic supply and demand. Because the world price (P1) is below domestic demand and supply, it gives domestic consumers an incentive to purchase from abroad if imports are not restricted. If that is the case then domestic price will fall to the world price at P1. At a lower price, domestic production will fall to Q1 and consumption will rise to Q2. So imports will be the difference between domestic consumption and production (Q2 Q1). Now suppose the government, bowing to pressure from the domestic industry, eliminates imports by imposing a quota or a tariff at Q0. This will forbid any importation of the good in question. With no imports allowed the domestic price will rise to P0. Consumer Surplus: As a result, consumers who still purchase the good will now pay a higher price and will lose the surplus represented by trapezoid A and triangle B. In addition, some consumers will no longer buy the good which results in a further loss represented by triangle C. Therefore, the total change in consumer surplus will be: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = (-A) B C Producer Surplus: In concern with producers, output is now higher (Q0 instead of Q1). Output is also sold at a higher price (P0 instead of P1). Producer surplus therefore increases by the amount of trapezoid A: à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = A à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  Welfare = (-B) C Combining both à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS and à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS to obtain the total welfare effect merely indicates once again that there is a deadweight loss. This loss indicates that consumers lose more than what producers gain. Imports could also be reduced to zero by imposing a sufficiently large tariff. The tariff would have to be equal to or greater than the difference between P0 and P1. With a tariff of this size there will be no imports and, therefore, no government revenue from tariff collections. Thus, the effect on consumers and producers would be the same as with a quota (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:323). However, government policy is more often designed to reduce, but not eliminate, imports (as shown in Figure 6. Again, this can be done with either a tariff or a quota (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:323; and Perloff, 2005:300, 301): When imports are reduced, the domestic price is increased from P1 to P0. Trapezoid A is again the gain to domestic producers. The loss to consumers is A + B + C + D. Thus, if a tariff is used, the government will gain rectangle D, the revenue from the tariff. Therefore, the net domestic loss will be B + C. If a quota is used instead, then rectangle D becomes part of the profits of foreign producers, and the net domestic loss will be B + C + D. Figure 6: The General Case with an Import Tariff or Quota The Impact of a Tax or Subsidy The burden of a tax (or the benefit of a subsidy) falls partly on the consumer and partly on the producer. In this section it will become clear that the share of a tax accepted by consumers depends on the shapes of the demand and supply curves and, in particular, on the relative elasticities of demand and supply (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:326). The Effects of a Specific Tax A specific tax can be better defined as a tax of a certain amount of money per unit sold. This is in contrast to an ad valorem tax which is a proportional tax. However, the analysis of an ad valorem tax is roughly the same and yields the same qualitative results (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:326). Examples of specific taxes are sin taxes on cigarettes and liquor. Suppose the government imposes a tax of t cents per unit. This means that the price the buyer pays must exceed the price the seller receives by t cents. Figure 7 illustrates this accounting relationship and its implications (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:326): Figure 7: The Effects of a Specific Tax Here, P0 and Q0 represent the price and quantity before the tax is imposed. Pd is the price that buyers pay and Ps is the price that sellers receive after the tax is imposed. Therefore, Pd Ps = t. Here the burden of a tax is split evenly between buyers and sellers. Buyers lose A + B, while sellers lose D + C. On the other hand, the government earns A + D in revenue. Thus, the deadweight loss is once again B + C. The solution is therefore to find the quantity that corresponds to a price of Pd and Ps so that t = Pd Ps. This quantity is shown as Q1. As seen from Figure 8, the burden of the tax is shared roughly evenly between buyers and sellers. It can also be stated that the price that buyers pay rises by half of the tax, and the price that sellers receive falls by roughly half of the tax. As Figure 7 and 8 shows, market clearing requires four conditions to be satisfied after the tax is in place (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:327, 328). These four conditions can also be written and distinguished as four different equations that must always be true: The quantity sold and the buyers price must lie on the demand curve, because buyers are interested only in the price that they must pay. Qd = Qd(Pd) The quantity sold and the sellers price must both lie on the supply curve, because sellers are only concerned with the price they are to receive. Qs = Qs(Ps) The quantity demanded must equal the quantity supplied (Q1). Qd = Qs The difference between the prices of buyers and sellers must equal t. Pd Ps = t There is a change in consumer and producer surplus, as well as in government revenue can be summarised as follows (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:328; and Perloff, 2005:289, 290): à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  CS = (-A) B à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  PS = (-C) D à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬  Welfare = (-A) B C D + A + D = (-B) C From the above information we have seen that the burden of a tax is shared almost evenly between buyers and sellers, however, this is not always the case. If demand is inelastic and supply is relatively, then the burden of the tax will fall mostly on the buyer. Demand will work in the opposite way. It can also be determined if the burden of a tax falls more on the buyer or the seller (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:328): Pass-through fraction (Buyer) = Ed / (Es Ed) This equation thus stipulates what fraction of the tax is passed-through to consumers (buyers) and producers (sellers) in the form of higher prices. So, if the demand is totally inelastic (when Ed = 0) so that the pass-through fraction is 1, then all the tax is borne by the consumers (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:328). Similarly, when demand is totally elastic, the pass-through fraction is zero and producers bear all the tax. Therefore, the equation basically indicates that a tax falls on the buyer if Ed / Es is small, and on the seller if Ed / Es is large. The Effects of a Subsidy A subsidy can be analysed in much the same way as a tax. In fact, a subsidy can be better defined as a negative tax. With a subsidy, the sellers price exceeds the buyers price and the difference between the two is the amount of the subsidy. Thus, the effect of a subsidy on the quantity produced and consumed is the opposite of the effect of a tax, which also means that the quantity will increase (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:329). Figure 8: The Effects of a Subsidy In general, the benefit of a subsidy accrues mostlyto buyers if Ed / Es is small, and to sellers if Ed / Es is large. Also, the same four conditions needed for the market to clear, apply for a subsidy as it did for a tax. The only difference is that now the difference between the sellers price and the buyers price is equal to the subsidy (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2005:329): Qd = Qd(Pd) Qs = Qs(Ps) Qd = Qs Ps Pd = s Conclusion From this paper the evidence shows that simple models of demand and supply can be used to analyse a wide variety of government policies. These include price controls, minimum prices, price supports, production quotas, import tariffs and quotas, and taxes and subsidies. In each case, consumer and producer surplus are used to evaluate the gains and losses to consumers and producers. These gains and losses can be quite large. Evidence have also indicated that when the government imposes a tax or subsidy, price usually does not rise or fall by the full amount of the tax or subsidy. Also, the incidence of a tax or subsidy is usually split between consumers and producers. The fractions that each group ends up paying/receiving depend on the relative elasticities of demand and supply. It is important to remember that government intervention generally leads to a deadweight loss, even if consumer and producer surplus is weighted equally. In some cases this deadweight loss will be small, but in other cases (price supports and import quotas) it is large. This deadweight loss is a form of economic inefficiency that must be taken into account when policies are designed and implemented. In summation, government intervention in a competitive market is not always bad. Government, and the society it represents, might have objectives other than economic efficiency. There are also situations in which government intervention can improve economic efficiency. Examples are externalities and cases of market failure.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Censorship and Banned Books Essay -- Sensorship Literature Ban

Censorship and Banned Books "Books are dangerous. They make you thinkÂ…feelÂ…wonderÂ…. They make you ask questions (Weiss p.2)." At the present time, at least seventy-five books are being banned. This is hurting our culture more than it is helping. This has to be stopped; books cannot be taken off of the shelves at the rate that they are today. The books that are being taken off of the shelves are, for the most part, considered classics. The act of book banning puts limitations on what authors can say, and what readers can read (Dorshemer p.1). The banning of books in America is a violation of our first amendment rights. Amendment 1 of the United States Constitution states as follows: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance (Dorsheimer p.1). As long as humans have sought to communicate, others have sought to prevent them. Everyday someone tries to restrict what can be said, written, sung, or broadcast. Almost every idea ever has proved to be objectionable to one person or another. Books, especially public and school library books are among the most visible targets. Books are of often challenged due to an individual or group of individuals considering the book to be controversial, immoral, inappropriate, sexually explicit, divisive, corrupt, vulgar, violent, or even wicked (Weiss p. 2.) Unfortunately, among the most banned books are some of the best loved modern classics. But by far the most common type of censorship involves books quietly disappearing from libraries. Sometimes a parent ... ...rion to nail down in real life with real children (Miner)." Issues of age appropriateness are most common in elementary and middle schools. Teachers, parents, and the courts have generally recognized that the older the student, the more that student has "the right to know." Of the questions about age-appropriate material, the one that schools in the early elementary classroom seem least prepared to deal with, in part because it is relatively new, is the controversy over discussion of gay and lesbian families. Banning books not only violates our rights, it also puts our society in danger of not thinking for ourselves Books must be put back on our shelves for all to enjoy. As Goethe once said, "There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance (Weiss p.2)." Books are not what we should be scared of; it is the people who try to take the books away from us.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hinduism And Buddhism :: Religion Religious Essays

Hinduism and Buddhism Introduction-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the five major religions in our world today. They are widely practiced, and have survived for centuries. Both have similarities and differences, as do all forms of religion. Hopefully, in this paper I will show you the basic structure of each religion. I would also like to show how they compare and contrast. Hinduism: Foundation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No one is completely sure of where Hinduism was started and by whom. Their oldest written documents, the Vedas, were written down in 1000 B.C. but they had existed orally long before. The Vedas are where Hinduism originated. Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion. Many changes have come upon Hinduism since they practiced it first. Hinduism includes many different sects, or denominations, and beliefs that have arisen. Though, there are many things in common with all of the Hindu sects. Their basic beliefs are what ties them together. Basic Beliefs-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The religion of Hinduism teaches us that each living body, including animals, is filled with an eternal soul. Hindus say that the individual soul was a part of the creator spirit, Brahma. It is each soul's job and wish eventually to return to Brahma. It is not possible though because by a soul's sins, and impurities from the world, they are no longer pure and holy to return. Instead, a soul must become pure before returning to Brahma, who is absolutely pure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The process of becoming pure is so hard that no soul can become pure in only one lifetime. The soul is forced to live life after life until it is pure enough to return to Brahma. The cycles of rebirths are called samsara, or the Wheel of Life, by the Hindus. When a soul is finally cleansed enough to break free of samsara it is called moksha. The soul returns to Brahma for an eternity of contentment and ecstasy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no one incorporating creed in Hinduism. A follower may choose any god as their personal god, or may worship several of them. Though to be a Hindu there are certain things that a follower must believe in and live by. Their main beliefs are:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. A belief in karma, the result of one's good and bad deeds in a lifetime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. A belief in dharma, Hindu traditions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. A belief in the three main gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. A belief in reincarnation after death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5. Honor for the sacred Vedas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6. A belief that, if lived a religious life, the Wheel of Life can end and achieve moksha.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7. An honor for an ascetic religious life, to be an orthodox Hindu.

Friday, October 11, 2019


One way the US Government could develop an incentive plan that when you take your items to the recycling enter, that you get a receipt showing what you brought and receive points that can be used toward your utility bill. The point system would convert to dollars for this purpose. Many communities have recycling bins that the sanitation department picks up. The point system can be used with these as well. The workers could leave the slip in the bin for the customer. They could also make sure that all communities' sanitation departments issue these bins.Consumers have several choices in how to recycle. You can take it to drop-off centers, curbside collection, and refund or deposit programs. There are three steps in recycling. First step: after collection is done, the recyclables go too recovery facility to be sorted and cleaned. They are then processed into materials that are used in manufacturing. The materials are then bought and sold like any raw materials for production. Second st ep: You will find that most of today's products are manufactured with recycled materials.The most common are paper towels, newspapers, plastic, aluminum, glass soft drink containers, plastic laundry detergent bottles, steel products, car bumpers, cereal boxes, comic books, aluminum cans, egg orators, nails, motor oil, and trash bags. Other ways that the materials are used are using recycled glass in asphalt for paving roads and using recycled plastic in park benches and carpeting. Step three: Most products you buy are now made with recycled material. When shopping you can look on the labels to see if they are.By buying these products, you will help close the loop on recycling. Other things that you can recycle are the wooden pallets that are used in shipping. You can be used in your gardens, people make furniture Tires are used in asphalt and used for shoring up areas of erosion. The overall benefits of recycling is that it will help to reduce the amount of trash and discarded items go to the landfills and incinerators. It will help to prevent pollution and help to not use new raw materials. Our natural resources like timer, water, and minerals will be able to be revalidated.When it comes to saving energy, it will help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are apart of the climate change. The main goal is also to help us to sustain the environment for generations to come. The Job market also depends on recycling centers for paying Jobs in that community. There is one question we can ask ourselves. â€Å"Are we throwing away an energy solution? † If we were to burn all the waste in the landfills of the US, it would provide an extra 33 gateways-which is the equivalent of 33 large power plants. Philipp Schmidt-Pitchman) We are missing out on a viable energy source to help us to not to depend on other countries for our natural resources. Many Americans still believe that burning trash gives off toxic fumes but, with how modern waste-to-energy factorie s process it, there is very little air pollution. How it works is that the high temperatures burn off the bonds of toxic chemicals. I use many plastic container for storing craft materials as a way to recycle. We take any egg cartons to the farms that sale eggs. Recycling Recycling: The Best Savings Plan for a Better Tomorrow. Recycled Orchestra is the orchestra which consists of kids and teenagers who play music with the help of recycled instruments in Cateura, Paraguay which a slum made on a landfill. The people in the slums cannot afford to buy musical instruments for their children. So, they collect the instruments and waste items from the garbage and by repairing the instruments and using the other required things to make the instruments for their children.Thus, recycling of the broken instruments had led to an orchestra with an increasing number of participants in the group and which now competing in many of the tournaments in and out Paraguay. Recycled Orchestra is one of the best examples of recycling things with great output. This also shows that recycling the waste and trash into useful goods not only keeps the environment clean and saves money and raw materials but also help completing peoples dreams.Recycled Orchestra and Recycled business of games and other articles are some of the most popular concept of the biggest slums in the world. Recycling is the process of converting waste and materials into useful products to avoid the wastage of potentially useful resources, conserve the fresh raw resources for the future, reducing the pollution caused during the disposal of waste like the combustion of useless products and the activities like landfills which causes the contamination of soil and minerals and groundwater beneath it and basically to protect our planet from contamination.Recycling is one of the components of â€Å"Waste Hierarchy† –Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Recycling is a huge topic to take into the picture the steps for recycling like collecting, sorting, processing and finally using the recycled waste into useful products, then comes in the things to be recycled which give the maximum output like paper, metals, water, glass and plastic these are some of the most important ones and finally the global issues like global warming, greenhouse gases and pollution which recycling provides a solution.Firstly, the steps for recycling consist of some of the basic steps like collecting, sorting and processing it into useful products. These steps induces the â€Å"Waste Hierarchy† by itself by collecting the waste and the recyclable material from the garbage it reduces the amount of the usage new and fresh material and also reduces the waste going for direct incineration or dumping. Reuse is the final step after recycle, which is acceptance from the consumers or the usage of recycled products.The collection process is taken care by the government by assigning central collection facility for various localities and areas which collect the waste and trash from different places such as drop-off centers, buyback centers and the curbside centers. The drop-off centers consists of the various utilities which help in the collection of the junk like the rubbish bin, the other public u sage trash bin and this rash consists of unknown stuff as these drop-off centers are located in public places where so people throw a lot of unwanted and unknown stuff.The buyback centers are the profit making organizations which charge customers for collecting their trash from their community and their houses and collect the trash and sorting it and selling the same trash to the recycling facilities and waste management centers. The other facility for trash collection is the curbside centers wherein the client separates their trash according to their knowledge prior to the curbside center’s trash collection vehicles come and pick up the trash. These vehicles then dump the trash directly to the central sorting facility.Sorting is one of the most important parts of the recycling process, because if the all the things in the trash are not properly sorted the important recyclable things or even simply repaired could go in vain as in the case of recycled orchestra wherein the pro cesses of sorting they find the broken instruments which by repairing save a lot of money and cleaning up the waste. The sorting process helps in proper recycling and decomposition as well. The recycling process goes through a lot of chemical and physical changes in the actual matter which is being processed.Thus, the mixture of two different matters might change in the final result and the whole process of recycling from the collecting till the end goes in vain and creating toxic waste. Sorting of easily recyclable materials such as metals, glass, paper and plastic are the most common ones. The sorting process is taken carry by the material recovery facility wherein his paper and metal waste is separated using the vibration method which brings the light items up like first paper, then plastic and finally metals and glass which are the heaviest.The steel items such as cans and bottles are sorted by the magnetic separation method. Then the aluminium and other metallic waste are sorte d by the electric current and the plastics by the sensors and finally the glass is taken out and using the scanner for glass is checked for any other materials except the glass and then passed for recycling. Thus this thing is finally given out for finally processes. The www. recyclingguide. k org website approved by the waste management organization gives information regarding recycling and some facts such as that Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled and this unused energy from the dustbin could light up a television for more than 5000 hours. After the sorting processes the sorted garbage or trash is taken to their particular recycling centers for recycling. Recycling processes in general consists of breaking the used things in to its basic structure and then again using it for as a new product.The recycling of paper consists of breaking down the paper by mixing it with water and other chemicals and once the solution of the liquidized form of paper is formed it then heat treated and finally converted into new paper. The Bureau of International Recycling suggests that the recycling of the paper can be done for at least 7 times with a small amount of degradation in the quality of paper. Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials.It's always better to use a 1 ton of recycled paper than using 24 trees for making 1 on of newspaper. The other most important substance which is recycled is metals which if sorted properly would save a lot of fresh natural resources. The recycling of metal is done by melting the used and thrown out metals at high temperature which breaks the rigid grain structure of these metals and then these metals are heat treated and and formed into desired shapes but these recycled metals are not used for heavy duty purposes due to low factor of safety and durability in it.The vehicle waste which mainly consists of metals, around 80% 0f the vehicles can be recycled. The o ther metals and substance like lead, glass and plastic go through the same process of melting and breaking down the grain structure and heat treated and finally molded into substances of daily usage but not used at the same level. With an increase of usage of plastic at the rate of 4-8% per year throughout the world, recycling them is the best option and anyway decomposition of plastic takes around 500 years.The other form of waste and the most dangerous one is the toxic waste and the waste after recycling all the waste is usually dumped into the modern landfills and modern incinerators. The landfills are big pits wherein the toxic waste and the non degradable waste is stored for decomposition. The decomposition takes place with the help of the chemicals and bacterias added in the landfills which increase the rate of the disintegration and lead to the formation of one of the most toxic gas which is methane more harmful to the environment than carbon monoxide.This gas is collected fr om the top of the the landfill through a suction pipe and then supplying methane to the thermal power plants near by to produce electricity. Some of the examples of landfills like the Cateura, Paraguay in the illustrations and another famous example is the Olympic Grounds in Australia wherein a lot of toxic waste like tanks and old warships is dumped Olympic grounds. The other types of landfills are for the human waste such as Biogas plant, Digestor which are usually implemented in the rural areas for the production of biogas to cook food and heat the house.These are big vessel or container of human and agricultural waste which is mixed with water and this solid-liquid mixture known as slurry is dumped into the digestor or the vessel and an electronically operated stirrer is provided to mix the slurry from time to time. The slurry is then kept in the digestor for a couple of weeks and due to which there is an increased in the temperature up to 70 °C – 80 °C in the vessel due to the decomposition and this induces the production of butane gas which useful in cooking and heating the house.The left out in the bioreactor known as the sludge is used as fertilizer for agriculture. Generally, biogas plant was popular in the rural areas only but nowadays there are being taken into account due to urge of renewable energy. One of the world largest biogas plant is the Penkun biogas park which has 40 modules of 500 kW electrical power each, digesting mainly energy crops. The thermal energy produced is used in a fertilizer factory next to the biogas park which is situated in Germany.Finally, if the recycling doesn’t work, incineration is the only way by which this non- recyclable byproduct cannot be used but vanished. The biomass from this landfills and biogas plant is usually used as fertilizer but the toxic ones are usually incinerated in the modern high temperature incinerator which incinerate both the liquid and the solid waste at really high temperatu res. This high temperature incineration is the â€Å"Best Technology Available† as quoted by the Mitchell Young, the editor of the book Garbage and Recycling as determined by the EPA.Most of the big factories have their modern hazardous waste incinerator on –site in their factory. But the small business depends on the off-site incineration managing all the hazardous wastes. These incinerators operate at high temperature around 1800 °F. The incinerator consists of a primary combustion chamber, an afterburner or the secondary combustion chamber which is connected to the pollution control system for controlling a monitoring the process.The afterburner increases the temperature form 1800 °F to 2200 °F which completely converts the hazardous solid and liquid waste into ashes or gases. The big banner companies such as Dove, Reliance and many more production hubs like it. But it always better to recycle than to incinerate which at some point pollute the environment. Thi s all will help in solving the global issues like global warming, pollution, greenhouse effects and many more and reduce his usage of fresh and raw resources for future. To conclude this, Recycling waste is a long term project.But its key lies in segregation and putting in some efforts to clean up the neighborhood. The main motto of recycling is creating zero waste which a worthwhile goal. If the process of recycling starts from the waste producer then it becomes much easier to recycle the process like sorting the waste and avoiding the non-recyclable material out of the landfills and dumps. Thus,recycling said to be a process not a step. These awarenesses in the people would help in achieving the goal of zero waste. Recycling is equal to a better, healthier savings plan for tomorrow.